Tuesday, September 17, 2013

chasing the storm

"This house is safe and warm, but I was made to chase the storm."  - John Mayer

Comfort zone - comfort zone. What does this place look like to you?  We talk about this all the time, but the reality is that I don't think we can fully express what this looks like to us.  This is because it is the safest part of who we are.  We can't express it because it is us.  It is our default even when we don't want it to be.

We run from storms. We fear storms.  We want the storms to be calmed.  That is unless you are a storm chaser.  There has to be moments where we step out of our warm houses and be storm chasers.  I think in fact that there is a created part of us that wants to chase it.  We are just to afraid sometimes.

Rediscover who you are.  Maybe you need to go chase some storms.

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