Wednesday, November 7, 2012

the day after

"No matter which candidate you voted for last night, you were not voting for a savior, only a president." - Dr. Steve Blakemore

I am frankly tired of all of the ramblings people are putting on Facebook concerning the election.  If we thought the advertisements and commercials for the politicians were bad, then we are not even listening to ourselves with the amount of garbage we are putting on social media. 

Dr. Blakemore has it right.  Let's keep things in perspective folks.  I will say this and only this - I have never felt more ashamed in all of my life to call myself a Christian than this morning.  Maybe it's because the prevalent use of social media has multiplied the witness (good or bad) of our opinions and thoughts.  The blatant misrepresentation of Scripture, poor theology, and the overall blinding personal preference is overwhelming to me.  What's the issue, really?  So we don't like the President or the way things are?  Or is it that you placed your hopes and dreams in this one man?  Foolishness.  Since he let you down as all people will do, you found yourself another person to place your hopes.  Mitt is going to change things for the better, you thought.  Christians particularly have ignored the fact that before Mitt took the bull by the horns you were calling him a heretic.  All of a sudden his religion is much closer to yours now because he affirms your political ideals.  Strange bed-fellows indeed.  

So let's all just calm down a bit.  Remember the words we speak because we cannot take them back.  I know that I don't like being misquoted, so I would think that God doesn't like it either.  Stop trying to make the Bible say what you want it to say and let it simply speak.  Remember that our Gospel is winsome next time you are being a jerk on social media.  So I will have to refrain for a bit from telling strangers that I am a pastor because all they will think of is some of the ridiculous things that are happening today.  Please, don't make my job any harder.  Love one another - yes, even on the day after. 

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