Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter People

How long does it take for us to forget that we are an Easter people?   For me, like many pastors, it is humbling to have the opportunity to stand before a congregation and speak.  It is the congregation that grants me the right to speak.  Even though the calling may come from God, it is the people who give the authority because they show up each week.  With this said, it is always humorous to think about what people have said to me as they leave the sanctuary each Sunday. 

I remember teaching on the verse ‘do all things without grumbling and complaining’ and wouldn’t you know it, the dear Jesus-loving folks just couldn’t even make it out of the room before they had to let me know what was on their mind about something going wrong.  At least let me have the surety of a job well done and hold your grumbling until you get outside in the parking lot like the rest of American Christians.  Some have even been able to make it all the way to the lunch table.  Now that is really getting it.   

Of all days when we celebrate the victory of God, the joy of the Resurrection, and the hope found in Christ, I thought we could at least have a moment after the service where we could wish each other Happy Easter and live in the beauty of the day of Resurrection.  Well… not quite.  Right after hearing a message about trusting God for the new things He will do and the new day He has brought, here we go living in the past once again. 

How quick we forget who we are called to be and what we are called to do.  Let’s take a moment to learn and remember together.

Easter people, raise your voices,
sounds of heaven in earth should ring.
Christ has brought us heaven’s choices;
heavenly music, let it ring.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Easter people, let us sing.

I wonder what sort of choices heaven has… does it look any different than the way we choose things?  What if we could choose, as even heaven so desires.

Fear of death can no more stop us
from our pressing here below.
For our Lord empowered us to
triumph over every foe.
Alleluia! Alleluia! On to victory now we go.

If we no longer fear death, what then do we fear?  Why do we fear those who are different from us?  Why do we fear the unknown?

Every day to us is Easter,
with its resurrection song.
When in trouble move the faster
To our God who rights the wrong.
Alleluia! Alleluia! See the power of heavenly throngs. 

Today is the day the Lord has made – let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Every day to us is Easter.  What a powerful thought.

Easter people, raise your voices,
sounds of heaven in earth should ring.
Christ has brought us heaven’s choices;
heavenly music let it ring.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Easter people, let us sing!

Peace to you, Easter people.

llegitimi non carborundum

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